Students in our M.S.Ed. programs successfully publish in peer-reviewed journals. Often these publications grow out of manuscripts students produce for their projects in the capstone course of the program (PHY690). Even if PHY690 manuscripts do not result in external publication, they are archived at
Papapanu, S. J. (2010). The Art of Effective Questioning: A Reflective Journey through Physics and Science Literature on Questioning. STANYS The Science Teachers Bulletin, Spring 2010 73(2), 34-48. (PHY690 project)
Sears, P. (2009). Physlet Based Peer Teaching for Regent Physics Review. STANYS The Science Teachers' Bulletin Fall 2009 73(1), 22-29. (PHY690 project)
Harden, J. (2009). Book Review of NYSTCE: CST Physics 009, by Wynne. STANYS The Science Teachers' Bulletin Fall 2009 73(1), 47-48.
Saeli, S. & MacIsaac, D.L. (2007, February). Using gravitational analogies to introduce elementary electrical field theory concepts. The Physics Teacher, 45(2), 104-108. (PHY690 project)
Yap, J. & MacIsaac, D.L. (2006, August). Instructional use of the Johnson electric motor. Physics Education, 41(5). (PHY690 project)
Bochicchio, S. M. (2005). Post Use Review of School Island: An online test and remedial tool for New York State Regents physics students. The Science Teachers Bulletin, Fall 2005, 35-40. Science Teachers' Association of New York State (STANYS).
Doty, D. (2006). Issues with TI-83s. The Physics Teacher 44(9), 566.
Pearson, K. (2006). A post participation review of the University of Virginia’s graduate credit physics course for teacher PHY 605: How Things Work I. Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online, 4(1), 3-6. (PHY690 project)
Gosling, C. (2004). Addressing academic challenges facing high school physics students: A synopsis and annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed literature addressing classroom culture, gender, relevance and introductory physics instruction. Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online, 2(2), 3-9. (PHY690 project)
Most manuscripts cited here are available at
Coia, M. (2006). Blowing in the wind. Eighth Annual Program and Abstracts of the Student Research and Creativity Celebration, Friday April 21 and Saturday, April 22, 2006, p68. SUNY- Buffalo State College Office on Undergraduate Research.
Olszewski, C. (2006). Reflecting on the Road Less Traveled: Industrial Physicist to HS Teacher. Manuscript in preparation for the Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online.
Sannes, A. (2005). The role of multiple representations for introductory physics teaching. Manuscript in preparation for submission to The Physics Teacher.
Lewocz, J. (2005). The collection and analysis of item latency data for the Force Concept Inventory. Manuscript to be made available from .
Mauser, W.E. (2005). Use of single-person hovercraft for instructing Newtons' Laws. Web-published manuscript
Tatman, Y. (2005). McNair Scholar's Research: Use of a new instrument to assess under-represented student attitudes towards physics. Manuscript to be made available from .
Thompson, B. (2005). PHY690: A review of Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILDs) for NY Regent's Physics. Manuscript in preparation for submission to STANYS Journal. (PHY690)
Uhrich, C. (2005). An analysis of Knight's Curriculum for teaching AP Physics. Manuscript available from . (PHY690)
Gang, R. (2004). An analysis of HS Physics instruction via the Force Concept Inventory. (PHY690)
Fooks, E. (2004). PHY690: An analysis of the Modeling curriculum for mechanics with respect to the NYSED Physics Core Curriculum. Manuscript available from .
Frank, P. (2004). PHY690: The New York State Regents Physics Core Curriculum correlated with the CASTLE curriculum. Manuscript available from .
Kwitek, S. (2004). Development and analysis of an instrument for assessing MS Physical science instruction. (PHY690)
Wehling, E. (2004). Basic physics of the EKG. Manuscript in preparation for The Physics Teacher. (PHY485)
Rose, M. (2004). An examination of the Modeling curriculum for teaching Physics in comparison with the New York State Physics Core Curriculum for subjects other than mechanics. (PHY690)
Olszewski, C.: A Road Less Travelled: Industrial Physicist to High School Teacher, presented at 2006 AAPT National Summer Meeting: Syracuse, NY. (link to abstract)
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